Schuhe und Turnschuhe

1382 Produkte


Brauchen Sie Qualitätsschuhe, die auf die Bedürfnisse Ihrer Kinder zugeschnitten sind ? Von Turnschuhen, die schnell laufen, über Stiefel, die warm halten, bis hin zu Hausschuhen für Kuschelsonntage bei Du Pareil...Au Même

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Regenstiefel mit Fuchsmuster und Ohrausschnitten.
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Booties aus Canvas mit Leopardenmuster.
- Klettverschlussöffnung
- Schlanke Passform
- Weiches und bequemes Obermaterial
- Innensohle aus Leder
- Weiche, rutschfeste Laufsohle.
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Türkisfarbene Sandalen Du Pareil Au Meme
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Boys' neoprene and synthetic leather sandals, fastened with two Velcro strips. Leather insole and fabric lining for healthy, breathable footwear. Ultra light and flexible elastomer sole for optimal comfort.
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Boys' two-tone blue leather sandals with a double hook and loop strap fastening. Anatomic insole for enhanced comfort. Exclusive DP...am elastomer sole decorated with stars for a fancy touch. Made in Europe.
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Schwarze Sportschuhe für Jungen REEBOK JUNIOR
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Baby boys' navy blue leather sandals with a touch of red at the back and blue on the sides. Designed with comfort in mind with a leather insole for healthy, breathable footwear. Double hook and loop strap fastening to perfectly fit your baby's feet. High heel cup for better support. Flexible elastomer sole. Made in Europe.
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Desert boots for baby boys in burgundy split leather. Leather lining and insole for healthier, more breathable footwear. Navy lace-up fastening for a better fit. Stitched sandalette construction for more comfort and an authentic feel.
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Baby boys' ankle boots in brown split leather with a decorative wool collar. Wool lining and insole to keep feet lovely and warm. Lace-up and side zip fastening making them easy to pull on and off.
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Rote Sportschuhe REEBOK JUNIOR
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Marineblaue Strand-Flipflops Du Pareil Au Meme
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Blue and grey striped slipper socks, with a decorative raccoon cartoon on the top of the slipper. Flexible non-slip soles in black leather.
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Navy blue striped boot slippers with red binding and a navy anchor embroidered on the front. Terry insole and lining for healthier, more breathable footwear. Made in France.
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Rote Nachtschuhe Du Pareil Au Meme
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Baby boys' trainers in camel leather with a decorative contrasting blue collar and a star on the side. Leather lining and insole for healthier, more breathable footwear. Practical hook and loop strap fastening.
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Boys' grey split leather high top trainers. Fastening with two adjustable hook and loop straps to slip them on easily. Leather insole and lining for healthier, more breathable footwear. Flexible elastomer sole. Made in Europe.
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Graue Reebok Turnschuhe mit gelben Details.
- Schnürung und Klettverschluss zum Öffnen
- Logo auf Seite, Zunge und Rücken
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Marineblaue Sneakers Du Pareil Au Meme
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Khaki trainers in organically farmed cotton canvas. Style from the DP...am en herbe range. Made in Europe.
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Hochwertige Turnschuhe.
- Öffnung mit Schnürung und Klettverschluss.
- Aufnäher und ausgefallene Details an der Seite
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Hochwertige Turnschuhe.
- Klettverschlussöffnung
- Kontrastierende Seitenpasse und Zehenbox
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Beigefarbene Nachtschuhe Du Pareil Au Meme
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Weiße Sportschuhe ADIDAS JUNIOR
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Hausschuhe mit Bärendruck und Ohrausschnitt.
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Rote Lackpantoffeln.
- Schnallenbandverschluss
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Traditional T-bar shoes in pink leather with a glitter back and strap. Decorative perforations on the front. Leather lining and insole for healthy, breathable footwear. Stitched sandalette construction for more comfort and an authentic feel. Made in Europe.
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Ballet pump slippers in a pink print with white polka dots, with embroidered cartoons and pink glitter piping. Terry lining and insole for softer, more comfortable footwear. Flexible elastomer outsole. Three elastic straps on the instep for better support.
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Rosa Ballerinas Du Pareil Au Meme
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Rosa Stiefeletten Du Pareil Au Meme
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Navy boot slippers for baby girls with flower prints on the back and a woven flower patch on the front. Terry lining and insole for softer, more comfortable footwear. Flexible elastomer outsole. Practical side zip fastening.
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Pink boot slippers for baby girls with a glitter giraffe and heart prints on the back and decorative pink piping with silver glitter. Terry lining and insole for softer, more comfortable footwear. Flexible elastomer outsole. Practical side zip fastening.
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- Details aus Kunstpelz.
- Knoten an der Seite
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Leder Ballerinas.
  • Verstärkungen vorne und hinten.
  • Anti-Rutsch-Sohle
  • Gummizug auf dem Spann für besseren Halt
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    Baby girls' gold and silver leather Gladiator style sandals with decorative glitter straps. Hook and loop strap fastening.
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    Fuchsienrote Mary Janes Du Pareil Au Meme
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    First steps beige leather boots with decorative balloon patches on the side and fuchsia leather details. High heel cup to perfectly support the feet. Lace-up fastening for a better fit. Exclusive DP...am elastomer and rice flour sole. Style from the DP...am en herbe range. Made in Europe.
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    Marineblaue Sneakers Du Pareil Au Meme
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    Hausschuhe mit Einhorn-Katzenmotiv.
    - Elastisch an der Vorderseite
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    Pantoffeln mit Sternmotiv.
    - Gummizug vorne
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    Lederpantoffeln mit Tigermotiven.
    - Elastischer Rücken
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    Hohe Hausschuhe mit Lama- und Sternenmotiven.
    - Ledersohle mit Ballerina-Effekt
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    Baby girls' white subtle glitter sandals. Practical fastening system with buckles to the ankle and front to perfectly support the feet. Anatomic leather lining and insole for enhanced comfort. Exclusive DP...am elastomer sole decorated with stars for a fancy touch. Made in Europe.
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    Rote Sandalen Du Pareil Au Meme
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    Boys' grey split leather trainers with ribbed protection at the front. Decorated with two stripes on the side and yellow detailing on the back. Leather insole and lining for healthier, more breathable footwear. Fastening with adjustable hook and loop straps to slip them on easily. Flexible elastomer sole. Made in Europe.
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    Chez Du Pareil Au Même, nous avons sélectionné des chaussures pour enfant pratiques, esthétiques et confortables pour que votre enfant puisse gambader ! Nos modèles épousent le pied pour accompagner sa croissance au fil des saisons.

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